Let’s Make Every Day Delicious
It is a late summer afternoon and just like that we feel like having something.
Many culinary TV programs have left a lasting impression and have added new favourite dishes to our home-made kitchen, but none so as our beloved and admired Mary Berry.
My dearest one has become 50. He still looks young and gorgeous in my eyes, but I cannot stop but wonder where does time fly.
Family Sunday lunch is always something special. Following the traditions of his parents, my husband sits on the table well dressed and freshly shaved.
What an beautiful, golden summer we have had this year. Long sunny days, plenty of blue sky and temperatures souring up to their 30s.
Stew comes in many forms and flavours – combination of vegetables and meat, beer and mustard, red wine, white wine, in a casserole, in the oven, on the stove … But whatever shape or form,