Let’s Make Every Day Delicious
What a delightful perfection. It is indeed, not very humble of me, but I am really glad how easy and perfect this Meat Roll “Stephanie” has turned out to be.
This morning we have agreed with my husband for a deal. I will do the shopping and the cooking while he will be taking care of other household duties.
I have stumbled recently on a recipe, cut off from an old newspaper, written by a lady’s grandmother and used hundreds and hundreds of times through several generations.
Who is the real inventor of the French macaron, remains a secret, clouded in mystery since the first references of this delicious dessert start to appear in the medieval centuries.
Have you ever wondered how to make something out of nothing, when dear friends unexpectedly give you a call and decide to come along for a cup of coffee?
With only a few hours for preparation and litt
It is my mother’s 60th birthday and for her anniversary I am planning to surprise her with something special – home made Rosette Swiss Meringue Buttercream Cake.